7 Kittens survive a severe, contagious illness, thanks to our Spokane Humane Society clinic team.
Two different litters of kittens arrived at SHS earlier this month with Feline Panleukopenia Virus “Panleuk.” Prosciutto, Pancetta, and Salami were kitten trio number one (Prosciutto was positive and the other two were negative but exposed to the virus). All of the kittens were placed on IV catheters, and two were placed on IV antibiotics due to having clinical signs of the virus. The other litter consisted of Nick, Jessica, Schmidt, and Winston (Nick was positive, and the other kittens were exposed). Nick’s litter came in stable, so they were all started on oral antibiotics and SQ fluids.
Both litters were immediately placed in a medical quarantine room where the positive kittens were housed alone, and the exposed kittens were housed together by litter. Dr. Megan, SHS clinic veterinarian stated, “We followed strict isolation protocol and had one staff member dedicated to their care daily, because we did not want any chance of the virus spreading into the shelter. Clinic staff worked through the weekends to continue caring for these vulnerable kittens.”
Defying all odds, each of the seven kittens have survived and are successfully thriving. Prosciutto, Pancetta, and Salami were neutered a couple of days ago and recently moved into Benson’s Place, at the shelter. They will have their own individual kennels so that clinic staff can continue to closely monitor them.
Nick, Schmidt, Winston, and Jessica ventured back to foster care to work on gaining weight and strength until they are old enough to be altered and become adoption ready.
Our clinic deserves special recognition for all of their hard work and dedication to these furbabies. Without our amazing team, these kittens might not be alive and healthy as they are today.
So… what is Panleuk?
“…refers to a decrease in the number of all the white blood cells in the body.” – VCA animal hospitals
“…is a highly contagious viral disease of cats caused by the feline parvovirus. Kittens are most severely affected by the virus.” – AVMA
“While some cats die suddenly without showing any signs of the disease, others suffer severe symptoms, including fever, fluctuating temperatures, depression, lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. Lethargy is a big warning sign, and infected cats often droop their heads over their water bowls, thirsty but unable to drink.” – PetFinder
“Estimated mortality rates are 100% without treatment in young kittens—and even with aggressive therapies are over 90%.” – ASPCA
Thank you, Maria, Sylvia, Shelby, Amanda, Beth, Brandy, and Carrie, for your extra care and saving these kittens.
Prosciutto was adopted yesterday!
Meet Pancetta
Meet Salami