SHS Clinic staff performing a Parvo Test on puppy Bagel before intake.
Sometimes SHS turns to the community in need of foster families; usually, the foster parents help with young underage cats and dogs, as well as those who need medical attention.
Occasionally, foster families help with animals that aren’t doing well physically and mentally due to the high levels of stress caused by shelter living. Amanda Smith, SHS Foster Coordinator spends her busy days helping animals by giving them temporary homes. Below is a unique story of six puppies that came to SHS looking for their forever homes, they were met with love and support from the clinic staff, shelter staff, and their foster families.
Six puppies were brought to SHS due to an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy. The SHS clinic staff performed a Parvo Test on each puppy to make sure they wouldn’t bring Canine parvovirus into the shelter. Canine parvovirus is highly contagious and is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact. The clinic staff waited the necessary 8 minutes before reading the test feedback, which all came back negative!

Bagel weighed in at 20. 3 lbs during intake.
After the Parvo Test came back negative, SHS clinic staff were able to bring the puppies into the shelter. Each puppy was vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped.
Smith decided all of these puppies would be named following a bread theme. A few members of SHS shelter staff pitched in name ideas: Bagel, Cinnamon Roll, Danish, Scone, Pup-Tart, and Muffin.
These puppies in particular got car-sick on their drive to SHS, so after throwing up their breakfast all over each other, it was bath time!!

Amanda Smith, SHS Foster Coordinator smiling with Muffin after a much-needed bath.
After the appropriate paperwork was filled out, the foster families were able to arrive and meet their temporary furry friends. SHS supports their foster families by providing food, toys, and necessary equipment including a collar, leash, and travel crate. If you are interested in fostering, you can apply online at spokanehumanesociety.org/foster-care.
Fostering can be a big-time commitment. It can take anywhere from one week to 3-4 months before an animals can be adoption ready.

Foster parent Natalee picking up her foster puppy!
These puppies will be in foster care until they are adopted, they will come back to the clinic for their spay and neuter but will remain in foster care until a potential adoption meet and greet.
Foster mom Natalee says, “I like fostering because it gives them a chance to know [other] dogs, to know what a loving family is, and I just know that I am helping them…”