From SCRAPS to SHS, this adorable family of ten will be ready for adoption within the next couple of months!
“Fostering is one of the kindest things you can do to help an animal.” – Amanda Smith, SHS Foster Coordinator
Spokane Country Regional Animal Services (SCRAPS) reached out to SHS, in hopes that we would intake nine puppies and their momma. Since SHS is currently under construction (October 2023) and with limited space, we were at max capacity too. However, Foster Coordinator, Amanda Smith, knew we couldn’t turn this pup family away. Instead, she reached out to Spokane Humane Society foster families and found an individual who was willing to take all the puppies and their momma dog temporarily.
SCRAPS transported the puppies to SHS earlier this week. Once all ten Parvo tests came back negative, the dogs were brought into the SHS clinic. Canine parvovirus (Parvo) is highly contagious and is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact. It is SHS intake protocol to test the whole puppy family before bringing them into a building onsite. This protocol ensures the safety of our shelter animals.
The momma dog, now named Turkey, was examined first. Clinic staff showed Turkey each step of their process to make her feel comfortable. Turkey was placed in a nearby kennel so she could be close to her pups and watch them go through the same process. Then it was time for the puppies; they were vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped.

Turkey on the scale in the SHS clinic
SHS Foster Coordinator took pictures for the website and gave each pup a name. This batch of puppies were all named after Thanksgiving foods because they should be ready for adoption around Thanksgiving. Once the puppies were examined, they were all sent into foster care. These puppies are only a month old, so they stayed together with their momma.
“Working with momma dog has been rewarding. I can tell she belonged to someone, at some point, and she is so full of love. Our home is the puppies first home and watching them grow, play, and learn how to dog in a safe place and loving place makes me so happy and proud I’m able to help this little family.” – Bobbie Schwartzenberger, Volunteer Foster
A shelter environment is not a restful place for a nursing mother to care for her pups, so without a foster home willing to help, SHS would not have been able to intake them.
“We are so thankful for fosters that open their homes to mama/pups and all our foster animals.” – Dr. Megan, SHS Clinic
We are always looking for more fosters, if you are interested, please reach out to Amanada for more information or apply today on our website HERE.