Kiko is the real-life manifestation of a Pixar animated cat. She has giant eyes that make it impossible not to fall in love with her. Not to mention, she’s incredibly outgoing and wants nothing more than to be cuddled 24/7. Kiko arrived in our care from one of our partner rescues in Okanogan County this past September. As we do with any cat under 2lbs, she was placed into foster care until she grew big enough to be spayed and placed for adoption.
At her spay surgery appointment, our veterinarian realized that Kiko had Pectus excavatum, which is a chest wall deformity where the sternum and costal cartilages do not form correctly, resulting in a narrowed chest space. In Kiko’s case, this caused her to have an increased respiratory rate as her lung space was restricted.
Upon her diagnosis, we transferred her care to Valley Veterinary Clinic, as they were equipped to perform surgery to correct her chest cavity. On November 7th, Kiko received surgery where a splint was applied to her sternum which would slowly tighten over time. The splint helped to straighten her sternum, which created more space in her sternum, allowing her to breathe at a normal pace. Kiko’s treatment and surgery were made possible thanks to the many incredible community members who donated to our STAR (Special Treatment and Recovery) Fund. Our STAR Fund allows us to afford special care and surgeries that extend beyond the capabilities of our clinic.
Kiko’s surgery was successful, and she spent the next two months recovering in a wonderful foster home. As she healed, she continued to have appointments at Valley Veterinary Clinic to check on her progress, where staff quickly fell in love with her cuddly personality and unbelievable cuteness.
As weeks went by, the vet staff looked forward to seeing Kiko at her appointments, and the idea of inevitably saying goodbye became difficult. When the time came for Kiko to find her forever home, Valley Veterinary Clinic gave us a call and decided to adopt Kiko, giving her a loving home at their clinic.
On January 17th, Kiko was adopted and is the most recent addition to a team of feline staff, Mr. Lenny, Henry, and Nox, who also call the clinic their home. We wish Kiko all the best as she settles into her new home, and we are so grateful for Valley Veterinary Clinic who saved her life in more ways than one.
Help us continue to make a difference in the lives of animals like Kiko who require special medical care by contributing to our STAR Fund today! Click here to make a difference.