Rufus’ Story

On June 5th, our shelter was going about another routine day when a woman approached our front desk staff holding little orange cat. She talked with our staff, informing them that she found a cat who’d been hit by a car, and insisted we take him into our care. We were expecting an intake of 48 cats the next day, so our capacity for admission was, unfortunately, full. Clearly frustrated, she forcefully left this poor feline and stormed off.

This handsome cat, now named Rufus, was taken into the care of our clinic team to assess his injuries. Despite his traumatic day, he was still full of love and cuddles and warmed up quickly to our staff. He was diagnosed with a broken leg which was splinted in the hopes that he wouldn’t need surgery or amputation. Rufus was then placed with a loving foster family to heal in peace.

At Spokane Humane Society, we have so many joyful moments that we love to share, like families finding their forever homes. However, we have our fair share of tough moments like Rufus’. In these times, we are incredibly grateful for our staff who respond to these situations with grace and poise. While this was one of the most unconventional ways a cat has been left in our care, we are relieved that Rufus is safe, healing, and on his way to finding his forever home.