Spokane Humane Society will hold $25 spay/neuter days for low-income individuals thanks to a grant provided by the Summerlee Foundation. We fervently believe in the importance of spaying and neutering, not just for the health of the animal, but for the community impact it creates by reducing the number of homeless and neglected animals in the Spokane area. We are overjoyed that all of these appointments have been filled!
We will have multiple dates throughout February where we will offer $25 spay/neuter appointments. February 13th is our Cat Spay Day-we will offer 20 appointments for feline friends. For our canine crew, we’ll have four $25 spay/neuter appointments each day on February 3, 5, 10, 19, 24, and 26.
Spaying and neutering your animal is a way to ensure they live long, healthy lives. It can increase life expectancy and reduce unwanted behaviors such as aggression and spraying. The importance of this procedure extends beyond the individual animal’s health and wellbeing; it is the most successful way to reduce animal overpopulation.
We continue to see an increase in puppies and kittens that need our services every year. While spaying and neutering can be costly, utilizing community resources like our $25 spay/neuter events, SCRAPS “Spokane County SNIP” day, and Pet Savers year-round discounted rates, you can make a difference in the lives of your animals and beyond. We are so grateful for the Summerlee Foundation for granting us the funds to offer these low-cost appointments!