Abandoned at SHS

Jax and Chibs – the best of friends

Three cats and one dog were abandoned onsite at our shelter location.


As the security footage shows, a car pulled up to SHS late one night and proceeded to leave their four animals in a gated play yard by the road. In the morning, an SHS dog walker noticed one cat, Chibs, sitting in the middle of the play yard and thought that’s weird. She assumed it was a neighborhood cat until she got a little closer and saw that the cat was terrified! Chibs was taken to the SHS clinic for a quick medical check.

That same morning, SHS shelter staff also found a stray dog, Jax, running around the property. It took hours to catch him, but once they got him, he was also taken to the clinic for a medical check. It was later discovered that Jax dug himself out of the play yard and was running loose all night.

Both animals were healthy and seemed happiest when spending time together. As the day continued, the shelter staff reviewed the security footage, called SCRAPS, and spent time giving Chibs and Jax lots of love. That same evening, two more cats were found in the play yard. These cats, Otto and Tig, were nervous and hunkered down trying to hide. They seemed to trust each other and have a tight bond.


After all of the animals were checked out by SHS veterinarians, they went up for adoption. Tig and Otto had an entire room to themselves in the shelter lobby because of their bond and love for each other. SHS determined they should be a bonded pair and get adopted together.

Dalton was so excited to take his fur babies home!

At first, community member, Dalton, was unsure about adopting two cats. But, after seeing how Tig and Otto interacted with each other, he knew he had to keep them together. Dalton adopted both Tig and Otto after their two-week stay at the shelter.

Jax and Chibs also have a unique sibling bond, but getting a dog and cat adopted as a pair is challenging. They are both up for adoption and ready to find their forever home.

It is important to surrender your animals at the front desk of SHS rather than abandoning them onsite. This way we can get information about your animals for future potential adopters, as well as access them for behavior and medical information. Since Spokane Humane Society is a no-kill nonprofit shelter, we can only intake so many animals… if we take in more than we can support, we face many challenges and difficult decisions. Though we might not be able to intake your pets, we will do our best to support you by providing information on other resources and shelters in the area.


Read more about Jax HERE.

Chibs is not available for adoption at this time.