On November 27, 2023, Grant County Animal Outreach (GCAO) brought 10 puppies to Spokane Humane Society’s shelter location. GCAO Borad of Directors Vice President Kar Vanerstorm brought the pups in a U-Haul since her facility didn’t have a large enough transport vehicle. GCAO was at max capacity and reached out to many local animal shelters for help with the puppies but found that many of them were already full. Since SHS’s Kennel 2 renovation just finished, there were a few kennels open for intake. The timing was perfect as SHS got to help another local shelter while also helping so many adorable pups find their forever homes.
GCAO drove into SHS’s gated area between the shelter and the play yards before opening the back of the U-Haul. This is a safety precaution to ensure the dogs don’t get out during the transfer. When GCAO opened the back of the U-Haul, a scared pup almost jumped out because he broke through his kennel during the drive! Once he was safety on a leash and in the arms of a SHS staff member, he was taken back for exam. SHS intake staff members examined each dog checking their ears, paws, and overall wellness before assessing their behavior. The puppies were nervous in exam but did well, especially when given treats while on top of the scale as staff members checked their weight. The puppies were already vaccinated and spayed/neutered so they were all ready for adoption!
Spokane Humane Society wants to say a special thank you to GCAO for reaching out and brining the puppies to their shelter location. As well as thank the Spokane community; without your support SHS wouldn’t be taken to help so many animals in need!
The next morning, puppies Ariel, Moana, and Merida played together outside. These white fluffy Shepherds were covered in mud before they were transferred to PetSmart Northpointe for adoption. Thankfully PetSmart Northpointe Grooming donated their time and equipment to give Merida and Ariel baths later that day. Merida and Moana both found forever families, while Ariel is still available for adoption at PetSmart Northpointe.
German Shepherd pups Billy, Casey, and Stewie are also available at PetSmart Northpointe. While German Shepherd Meg, Shepherd Mochi, and American Foxhounds Wetta and Guapo will be available at BARK, A Rescue Pub this weekend.



