Every Dollar Counts
Spokane Humane Society needs YOUR help. Our STAR Fund is drastically low… so low that our veterinarian staff are unable to provide life-saving medical care to some of our current shelter animals. Special Treatment and Recovery (STAR) allows SHS to provide life-saving medical care to abused, neglected, injured and sick shelter animals. Homeless and abandoned pets with poor medical or behavioral conditions tend to be dismissed as adoption candidates, even though many of these animals are simply reacting to the trauma of an injury or the impact of new circumstances and surroundings. The STAR Fund is only possible with the help and support of staff, volunteers, foster families willing to provide temporary housing in a loving home, compassionate veterinarians, and most importantly generous people like you.
Over the past few months, we have seen a few previous STAR Fund patients find their forever homes. We love sharing these success stories which show the benefit of the STAR Fund and the joy it produces. To those who have donated in the past, thank you, these animals were given a second chance due to your love, support, and generosity.
Success Stories:

Read Libby’s Success Story HERE.
Squint, a little three-month-old kitten, used the STAR Fund for eye medication. He had a quick recovery and found his forever family after three months of shelter living.
Boris, 9-year Maine Cook/Domestic Longhair, was constantly going in and out of the clinic due to an upset stomach. Without any information from Boris’s previous owner, the clinic team played a game of trial and error until they learned that Boris could only eat prescription food from a glass or stainless-steel bowl, and he would require daily medication. The STAR Fund provided Boris with his medication so that he was always feeling his best, here at the shelter. When Boris was adopted after a year of shelter living, SHS provided his new forever family with 31 cans of prescription canned food, one bag of prescription food, as well as 14 days worth of his daily medication. This made the transition easier for Boris and his new human family.

Billie, a 4-year-old American Blue Heeler, is now living his best life with his forever humans and furry friends. Billie required a femoral head ostectomy surgery at VCA Animal Hospital; the medical bills were paid by the STAR Fund. After surgery, Billie bounced around foster homes until one SHS volunteer foster failed and ended up falling in love and adopting Billie. This surgery as well as hydrotherapy after the surgery cost a lot of money and drastically decreased the STAR Fund. Read more HERE.
It is important for our donors to see the success of these procedures, which were possible because of their generous donations. The most rewarding aspect is seeing these amazing animals find their forever homes after their challenging stay at the SHS clinic/shelter.
However, we have many animals at SHS that still need YOUR donations as they require life-saving medical care.
Animals at SHS Still Need YOUR Help:

A sweet cat named Cat needed a dental extraction for $1,400-$2,000 at VCA Animal Hospital. This 11-year-old girl recovered in foster care, her foster family stated, “Cat is doing well! She recovered very quickly and is back to normal, except for some drooling!” SHS is so glad Cat’s surgery went well and she has been recovering in a quiet, peaceful, loving home. Cat is not up for adoption yet since she is still recovering from her dental surgery, if you are interested in adopting contact Foster Coordinator, Amanda – amandas@spokanehumanesociety.org.

Kilo, an 11-year-old mixed breed male is known around the shelter as the grandpa dog here at SHS. Everyone loves Kilo, and it is hard to see him grow old in a shelter setting. Kilo has been an active user of the STAR Fund this year due to his seizers, arthritis, and suspected inflammation of the lungs. Recently, Kilo had a cancerous mass removed from his elbow thanks to the veterinarian staff at VCA Animal Hospital. If you are interested in meeting Kilo email Foster Coordinator, Amanda – amandas@spokanehumanesociety.org.

Chancho is one of our long-term residents, who has been receiving ongoing hydrotherapy treatment for his diagnosed severe bilateral elbow joint disease. With this provided therapy, there has been a major increase in his mobility, range of motion, and strength! Read more about Chancho HERE.
Tuff came to SHS as a young puppy. Similar to Billie, Tuff needed surgery on one of his legs which then required weekly hydrotherapy that helped him re-learn how to walk using all four paws! SHS has seen Tuff through it all, and we are so glad we have the STAR Fund program to help puppies like Tuff have a full, happy healthy life. If you are interested in updates about Tuff, reach out to Foster Coordinator, Amanda – amandas@spokanehumanesociety.org
Throughout the month of August, the clinic and veterinarian staff provided life-saving care for Feline Panleukopenia Virus “Panleuk” kittens. This care was around the clock with consistent medication and antibiotics. By using funds from STAR, the clinic team was able to save the lives of all seven kittens affected by the sickness. Read the story HERE.
As you can see, our STAR Fund is used to help cats and dogs, from big surgeries to small medications; the STAR Fund gives shelter animals a second chance at a happy healthy life. With your help, SHS can help more animals in need of life-saving medical care. Read more about the STAR Fund on our website HERE and make a donation of any size! Every dollar counts.